Spirit of Enterprise 2011

The Spirit of Enterprise is a non-profitable organisation with a mission to promote and to advance the entrepreneur spirit in Singapore, by honouring local self-reliant entrepreneurs operating small and medium-sized businesses. They also serve to inspire Singaporeans,...

Singapore Night in Moscow 2011

Staying committed to promote our Straits culture and heritage has brought us overseas again for another exciting showcase of our beautiful way of life. The ‘Singapore Night in Moscow 2011′ successfully concluded, and the positive reviews have given us much...

Martha Stewart’s Visit to Singapore

Martha Stewart was in Singapore, and we were honored to assist with the production on her visit Singapore! Visit Martha’s blog to read more about her exciting journey together with us! We would like to thank ‘The Martha Stewart Show‘ and the ‘Singapore Tourism Board’...

The 10 best sweet treats in Singapore

“Award-winning baker Dan Lepard reveals the best of Singapore’s many pastry shops and cake stalls, where you can indulge in everything from delicious Chinese custard tarts to delicate French macarons” – Dan Lepard guardian.co.uk We’re featured on a foreign media...

STB hosts Singapore Food Festival at Taipei

Promoting our Peranakan Heritage and Cuisines – invitation by the Singapore Tourism Board (Taiwan) “The Singapore Tourist Board has invited noted chef Helen Lim of Kim Choo’s Kitchen in Singapore to participate in this year’s event, introducing local gourmands...

APEC 2009

“2009 marks Singapore’s turn as host of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (or APEC), the intergovernmental grouping that seeks to facilitate economic growth, cooperation, trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific region.” – APEC 2009 During the event on the 14th...